Implant Restorations

Implant Restorations

Dental implants are great anchors for many kinds of restorations including, single fixed crowns, fixed bridges, all-on-four, all-on-X, removable overdentures, or even fixed overdentures. At Centre Dental, we are experienced and skilled in customizing a restorative solution for your unique situation.

Single implant crown

A ceramic crown is attached to the implant by a screw. It is proven that a screw-retained crown provides many advantages than a cement-retained crown. However, a cement-retained crown must be used if the implant angulation does not permit a screw-retained crown due to aesthetic challenge. However, Centre Dental uses a special lab that makes ASC screws so that many angulated implants can be restored with screw-retained implant crowns. 


Fixed implant bridge

When 3 or more teeth are missing, implant bridge can be made to replace the missing teeth. Again, a screw- retained or cement retained bridge can be made to connect to the implants.

All-on-four and All-ON-X implant fixed bridge

When all teeth in an arch are failing, all-on-4 or all-on-X implant bridge can be considered. If a full arch fixed bridge is fixed on to 4 strategically placed implants is an all-on-4 implant bridge, likewise, if the bridge is fixed on to 5 or more implants is an all-on-X implant bridge.  

In general, all-on-4 is for patients with good bone in the front of the jaw, and poor bone in the back of the jaw. To avoid expensive/lengthy bone grafting procedures, 4 implants with two angled implants are placed to support the full arch fixed bridge.

All-on-X is for patients who have acceptable bone in the back or the bone quality in the front region is not favorable. In this case, some bone grafting is necessary. To provide adequate support for a full arch, a minimum of 6 implants are required. There is no one-size-fits-all. During your consultation, you will be informed of the pros and cons of each option and what is the best option for you.



There are many variations of overdentures. At Centre Dental, we focus on providing Locator overdentures, which are proven to be the most advantageous systems. Using as few as 2 implants to retain a denture transforming removable dentures to semi-fixed dentures. If bone quality is acceptable, and 4 implants can be strategically placed, a locator-supported fixed denture can also be made.